NRLA renews backing for Earl of Lytton’s building safety scheme
Grateful to the National Residential Landlords Association for renewing their backing for the Earl of Lytton’s Building Safety Remediation Scheme tabled in the Leasehold and Freehold Reform Bill.
They write:
“A key change that the NRLA is seeking to achieve concerns building safety. The Earl of Lytton has re-tabled his amendment to introduce a Building Safety Remediation Scheme which would ensure that building safety failures are fixed, irrespective of a building’s ownership or height.
The scheme would overcome the shortcomings of the Building Safety Act (and mitigate the issues linked to any ground ban) to fix historic safety defects via grants funded either by the developer responsible for the building works or through a levy on the construction industry where the developer is dissolved or insolvent.“
An investigation by The Sunday Times found that since the Grenfell Fire of 2017 more than 15,000 residents have been forced to leave homes due to fire or fire safety defects. The Earl’s amendments are needed now as a matter of urgency.
Full article here: